Avi - Lessons of My Father
Martin Goldstein continues a tradition of seven generations of
Chazanut in this latest release. We delve into the realms of
the Yiddish experience with Gott is Einer and A'Pastuchl.
Traditional Chazanut is represented in the selections M'Vorchim
Hachodesh, Sheyiboneh and U'Veshofar Gadol, and the world of modern
Hebrew music in the remaining songs. We hope this music will
bring a touch of joy, with a tinge of sadness for things gone by,
and hope for the future with the future with the coming of Moshiach
and peace on Earth.

© 1992 ZAHAV
Productions ASCAP
[songs] are all very close to my heart and I know my Father would
appreciate the choices, may he rest in peace."